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2 weeks tell Kayden will be here!

Hello everyone, I know I have not updated this in a long while, but there has not been much to update on since Kayden has done so well with all his stress tests. Yay! I have been going once a week to Murray IMC for stress tests since 31 weeks, and he has passed them all with flying colors. I am scheduled to be induced on October 16th only two days before his original due date. So, between now and then he can come anytime :)

Jake and I are very much ready for him to be here! Although it is going to be scary we are very excited to meet our little man. Whom we are positive is going to look just like his daddy! :) we were looking at Jakes baby photos and Kayden's 3D ultrasound photos of his face and there is the craziest resemblance! I'm intrigued to find out if Kayden will have dark hair like his Dad did or come out with peach fuzz like his mom.... hoping for hair like his dad though ;)

Here is a couple pictures from the 3D ultrasound.

At my 37 week appointment he was measuring to be approximately 6.9 pounds ( they do say that can range between a pound smaller or larger but that he was in the 64th percentile for size :) )

We will continue to update this more often once Kayden is here, and want to Thank everyone who is following his journey! He is our little Heart Warrior and Hero, and we Cannot wait to meet him!

And just for fun my Favorite Maternity photo taken by Natalie!! at Artistry photos! she is amazing!

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