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Kayden our Heart Warrior is here!

On October 9, 2017 I called Jake from my appointment to let him know he was going to be done with work for the next 3 months and needed to meet me at the house to head up to the hospital because We may be having our baby boy tonight. completely scared but excited at the same time as our little ones heart journey was about to begin, but so glad to have him with us we met at the house collected our things took care of our girls ( Moose and Honeybee) and we left.

Once we arrived it was a bit crazy there were no rooms available in labor and delivery so we had to wait for a room before they would be able to induce me (they were afraid I was in the beginning stages of preeclampsia and since I was 38 weeks full term they felt it was best to just induce me a week earlier then planned). I ended up switching rooms 3 times before they got me in the right room with the NICU window in the room. Once I was induced there were only 6 hours until my little man arrived into the world at 4:46 AM on October 10! He was perfect in every way! I was able to hold him for a couple minutes! I never knew it was possible to love someone that much until my little boy looked me in the eyes and I held him close on my Chest! My heart was his!

Unfortunately they had to briskly take him due to his heart complications and for his safety, but I was so grateful I was able to hold him.

Kayden Keith Rudy born at 4:46 AM on October 10, 2017 weighing 7 pounds 2 Ounces and 20 inches long.

The next few hours were crazy. Kayden was taken from the NICU at the Hospital I delivered at (University of Utah) to the CICU at Primary Children's Hospital. over the coarse of a few hours a lot took place and many different options were discussed by all of Kayden's Doctors. They came to the decision that instead of doing a Cath procedure that night they would wait until morning and instead perform the first of three surgeries the Norwood. So at only 24 hours old Kayden had his first open heart surgery.

A lot of people have asked me what that was like as a parent to send your newborn baby to have open heart surgery knowing he may not survive. Well there is no words for the Terror, complete numbing fear, and heart break that tries to consume you. I remember standing beside the little bed they had him in waiting outside the OR for them to come take him away. his little hand grasping my finger as he slept peacefully not having any idea of the trial he was about to face. Even now when I remember it I can feel the chocking painful cry swell inside me as I tried to be strong. Tears flew down my face as I kissed the most precious, beautiful special spirit right before they wheeled him away. I wanted to collaps. I wanted to fall right to the floor right where I was standing because I felt as If I could not move. There was Nothing absolutely nothing I could do to take away the pain and obstacles my sweet boy had to encounter. There is no words to explain what that is like.

Hope, Faith, and a belief in Miracles is what kept us strong, positive and optimistic, and after what felt like an eternity Kayden was out of surgery and we could go see our precious boy!

This is Before they closed his Chest when his heart was still swollen

I knew what to expect. I had scene pictures and even when we did a tour of the CICU I saw what was to come for my heart hero, but nothing can prepare you when it is YOUR baby. When Jake and I walked into Kayden's room we had no idea what was going on. They didn't intend for us to walk in yet before they had everything under control, but there was at least 10 people standing in Kayden's room trying all sorts of different things talking among themselves in a frenzy kind of manner. We had no idea what was going on we didn't want to ask because we didn't want the focus of taking care of Kayden to be interrupted by a question so we stood in the corner frozen not knowing what to do but watch. A few seconds after being in the room we looked up and realized what was going on and why everyone was so concerned. Kayden's heart rate was up to 280bpm Kayden was having an arrhythmia. I can remember feeling like my heart and whole body were frozen, but at the same time like every part of me was screaming and scratching to get out and fix it, but nothing I couldn't move I wouldn't move because I knew the ones who could save him were already in the room doing everything they could in there power. Before we knew it they had administered medication to bring his heart rate out of the arrhythmia and we could breath again.

We later were informed that Kayden would need to be on an additional medication (Propanalol) until he was big enough to resolve his arrhythmia with surgery. In Short his arrhythmia was caused during the surgery and his upper chamber was firing twice while his lower chamber was only firing once, but was something that could be controlled with medication.

As Each Day went by there were ups and downs, some days we felt like we were taking 2 steps back but we were grateful for every small and simple miracle that we witnessed! We took note of the tender mercies that were given to us each day. The first time after surgery that he opened his eyes and just looked at us was such a precious moment for me. So many blessings were pored out and I will be eternally grateful for each one.

Some people have asked me is his heart fixed now....

Some people have asked if they built a 4th chamber...

It is hard to wrap your head around exactly the anatomy of an HLHS Hero. So the best way I can explain is to show you a picture.

Left side is Kayden's heart before surgery. Right is what they did in 1st surgery and what it now looks like.

Picture also contains Kayden's Diagnosis.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome with mitral stenosis and aortic stenosis. aortic arch hypoplasia and coartation of the aorta..

Thank you to all who have followed Kayden's Story and for all the love,prayers and support you have given us. I hope this blog helps bring understanding and hope you all continue to follow Kayden's Journey. With Hope, Faith and a smile each day we will beat his Congenital Heart Defect! Feel free to share my blog with others to help raise awareness for Congenital Heart Defects!.

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